When Commercial Vehicles
Cause Accidents
Every day, we come into contact with commercial vehicles – delivery trucks, airport vans, taxis and tour buses, garbage trucks, and school buses. Commercial vehicles are subject to different regulations. Some must follow federal interstate trucking laws. Some, like taxis and buses, must meet the requirements of common carrier laws.
To recover maximum compensation in a commercial vehicle accident case, you need a lawyer who understands the laws and regulations that apply to the type of commercial vehicle that caused your injuries. That comes with experience. And that’s the kind of experience you will find at the personal injury firm of Weems, Schimpf, Haines & Moore (APLC).
If you need legal help after an accident with a commercial vehicle, contact the truck accident attorneys at our Shreveport law office for a consultation.
Investigating Commercial Vehicle Accidents
Like all vehicles, commercial vehicles have blind spots. Without back windows, the entire back of the vehicle is a danger zone. Because these vehicles often must make wider than typical turns, they are a hazard for cars – and particularly for bikes – in the lane next to them.
Commercial vehicles have some safeguards in place to address these challenges, like extra mirrors, backup beeping, and signage warning other vehicles of wide turns. But obviously, these safeguards don’t always work, and most of the responsibility for avoiding accidents is on the driver of the commercial vehicle.
When investigating these accidents, we work with skilled investigators and accident reconstruction experts who understand these types of vehicles and their blind spots. We also look for witnesses to the accident to get their account of events and, when available, we seek videotape of the accident. A local store may have video footage for security purposes.
Liability In Commercial Vehicle Accidents
In accidents involving commercial vehicles or delivery vehicles, there may be more than one party who can be held financially accountable. The trucking company and driver are clearly responsible, but in some instances, the owner of the cargo or the company that hired the trucker may also be held accountable. We will explore all avenues of financial recovery.
Schedule Your Free Consultation With
a Commercial Vehicle Accident Attorney
In your free initial consultation, you will discuss your case with a knowledgeable vehicle crash attorney at Weems, Schimpf, Haines & Moore (APLC). Please call us at 318-222-2100 or send us an email to set up your free consultation. There are no attorney fees unless we collect compensation for you.